Interview Thursdays Ep. 1 – Westview A

Groger Ranks is pleased to launch our latest project. As a complement to our normal rankings and the analysis articles we collect from members of the high school quizbowl community, we are launching Interview Thursdays! On Thursdays, we will publish short interviews with high school teams about their teams, circuits, studying tips, and more! Quizbowl is about so much more than just the questions and stats, it is also about the teams that make the game so interesting.

Our first interview was with Westview A from San Diego, California, currently ranked #15 in the latest Groger Ranks. Westview A retains its entire roster from its T-31 finish at last year’s HSNCT. Arjun and Dylan from Groger Ranks talked to seniors Shahar Schwartz and Rohan Venkateswaran in this episode, which went over the team’s summer improvement, fluid lineup, and data-driven strategy to optimize studying.

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